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Articles from this website are now available on CD. Get the CD and the hardcopy of Propeller Dynamics for just USD50 shipped anywhere air post

26th December 10
Fluid Dynamics Part 7: The maths of 2-dimensional line source flow.

24th December 10
Compressibilty: Selectionof propeller airfoil section
(Prandtl-Glauert rule)

11th May 09
F/F: Longitudinal Stability

2nd May 09
Dixielander Trim

23rd April 09
Closed-Shell Moulding of Composite Propeller


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Denzyl and dad Philip give the ME163 a workout on a windy day in October, 2004 Mingli, Denzyl, Supercool and brand new Dixielander. Mingli, Rosie and Denzyl.
Denzyl: test flights at Meckering. Engine is Enya15-5, prop is Supercool 8x3.5. First 12 flights OK. No trimming required but crashed on the 13th, launched to the left of the wind. Easily repaired.

Dixielander 2000: Note the stab tilt. Plan does not show stab tilt, big mistake. Model must be launched to the right of the wind in a bank, else crash on glide (if not before).

Reunion party with Number One daughter, Beth, also website magician Black texta plus eyebrows = elixir of youth. Rosie doesn't think so.
Corsets, boots and a whole lota woman = elixir of youth. Boxer doesn't think so.

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